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Yardley native releases children’s book


Former Yardley resident Susan Gross’ children’s book “James and the Mountain” is now available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and IndieBound as well as select retailer sites.

Based on true events, “James and the Mountain” is an inspiring and wonderful story of trekking to the top of the majestic Mt. Whitney. During this adventure, James encounters a wise tree, a grand old buck, and a beastly bear that motivates him to keep going and to not quit. Though James struggles at times, he reflects on the many blessings in life and the beauty ahead.

“James and the Mountain” honors the life of the author’s late son who lived for new adventures and explorations.

Gross lives in Temple, with her husband, Strother. She is originally from Yardley and is a graduate of Pennsbury High School and Bucks County Community College and attended Eastern College for two years. She works in a preschool and volunteers with local community organizations.

A portion of the proceeds from her book, released through Crave Press, will go toward her grandchildren’s education. Susan wrote this and her first book, “Adventure On in the Big, Big World,” to honor her late son James.

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