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Tree planting in Hilltown Civic Park honors legacy of Travis Manion


Hilltown Township Public Works and the Travis Manion Foundation (TMF) hosted a tree-planting event at Hilltown Civic Park on Route 152 in Hilltown June 2.

The event was intended to honor the life and legacy of 1st Lt. Travis L. Manion, USMC, who died in combat during his second tour in Iraq and is the namesake of TMF.

At the tree planting, representatives from TMF gave a brief introduction on the foundation and its goals. An American flag, borrowed from ATS Tree Services, hung over the crowd throughout the introduction.

Also in attendance were Hilltown Township Supervisors Caleb Torrice, Jim Groff, and Joe Metzinger, along with over 20 members of the Hilltown Township Volunteer Fire Company. Community members were also encouraged to participate.

Five trees were donated by Scarlet Oaks Nursery in Hilltown for planting in various locations around Hilltown Civic Park. Hilltown Public Works provided the shovels, equipment, and mulch to ensure the trees will have healthy growing conditions for generations to come.

At the conclusion of the event, a formal flag folding was performed in solidarity with veterans, those who have lost their lives in combat and their families.

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