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Zoning overlay could lure apartments to Newtown Business Commons


A zoning change under consideration would allow for certain defined residential development in areas of Newtown Township currently set aside for light industrial, office and related uses.

Officials are considering enacting an ordinance that would create a zoning overlay district in what’s known as the “Newtown Business Commons,” an area where zoning currently allows industrial, office, warehouse, research and manufacturing development, among other uses.

The overlay district would permit creation of mixed-use buildings where commercial and residential uses could coexist.

Town center-style apartments would be a by-right use in the overlay district, while entities like recreational facilities, microbreweries, taverns, retail stores, eating places, art studios and others would be conditional uses. The traditional light industrial/offices would be allowed still.

“The Commons Overlay District is intended to permit and encourage a mix of land uses on previously developed lands and for new construction in the Light Industrial District and Office-Light Industrial District,” the proposed ordinance states.

It continues: “Through appropriate regulations, provisions in the Commons Overlay District encourage mixed-use development to promote a vibrant community where dwellings, shops, service-oriented businesses, and workplaces are all within walking distance of each other.”

The proposed ordinance says that the Newtown Township Planning Commission, in conjunction with the Bucks County Planning Commission, have recommended establishing the district.

Still, the boards of supervisors in Newtown, Wrightstown and Upper Makefield townships all must formally approve the ordinance in public votes for the overlay district to become official.

Because the three municipalities address zoning in a collective partnership, all must sign off on this type of zoning change.

As of this writing, only Wrightstown had approved the overlay district proposal. Upper Makefield supervisors tabled it at their June 18 meeting, awaiting Newtown Township’s action, which had not yet occurred, an official shared.

The proposed ordinance lays out particulars on things like development standards. For instance, it says residential dwellings can not exceed 20 units per acre of base site area, as calculated over the entire tract acreage exclusive of the area of ultimate street rights of way. The apartments could only be built as part of a mixed-use project.

Streetscape improvements would also be required.

“All development shall include sidewalks, landscaping and street trees, street lighting, benches, bicycle racks, directional and wayfinding signage, and appropriate access management to ensure safe and convenient circulation, as approved by the Township Board of Supervisors,” the ordinance reads.

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