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Letters to the Herald

Biden accomplished much. He should leave on top


The presidential debate on Thursday night frightens me. I will vote for the Democratic nominee. President Biden has done a terrific job steering the ship in turbulent water to safe harbor, out of a pandemic with no recession, gaining back the respect in the world that we are again a “sane” country.

However, the “however” is that yes, we thank you and respect your leadership, but it’s time to leave while you’re on the top.

The past four years will cement your legacy. Don’t let hubris set in to make you think you’re the only one who can beat Donald Trump, that you’re the only one who can do the job, the next generation of leaders are ready with your support. The undecided voters will determine the outcome of our democracy, and we need to instill confidence and enthusiasm in these voters and among us too. Energy and vitality will be critical to inspire and lead us for the next four years.

We are loyal to our democracy but not only to an individual, unlike the other party.

Bonnie Chang, Doylestown

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