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Symphonia launches 34th season with dancing fundraiser


It’s remarkable that the small town of Lambertville, N.J., has a professional symphony orchestra, but it has attracted audiences from both sides of the Delaware for the past 33 years.

The Riverside Symphonia offers high-caliber performances and the ever-popular July 4th “Concert Under the Stars” at Tinicum Park each year.

To ensure a strong start to its 34th season, the Riverside Symphonia invites the Delaware River Valley community on both sides of the river to a fun food + drinks + dancing fundraising event at The Woolverton Inn from 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 31.

Listen to the smooth sounds of Michael Arenella and His Dreamland Orchestra and wear your dance shoes if you like.

“We had intended to have a birthday party for our 30th, but COVID scuttled those plans,” said Executive Director Cullen McAuliffe. “While we weathered the pandemic with online performances, grants and the generosity of our patrons, we’re thrilled to be back and hope to build awareness of the Symphonia to expand our audience.”

“Small Town. Big Sound.” is the theme of the Aug. 31 outdoor party. It is designed to be a casual, convivial event with catered hot and cold hors d’oeuvres, open bar and a live auction. Tickets are $100 per person, and sponsorship opportunities are available for area businesses and individuals. RSVPs are due by Aug. 25.

“Our musicians are world-class, and we want to keep the music playing so more people in our community can experience their performances,” said McAuliffe. “We launch with this fundraiser and then look forward to our annual fall concert, followed by our popular holiday concert.”

For information on tickets or sponsorship, visit, email or call Vickie Lupisella at 609-397-7300.

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