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Phillips’ Mill Community Association to honor Kathy and Ted Fernberger at fundraiser


The Phillips’ Mill Community Association will recognize longtime members Kathy and Ted Fernberger at its Summer Fete fundraiser for the preservation of the 18th-century Phillips’ Mill, located at 2619 River Road just north of the center of New Hope.

The “brilliantly British evening” along the Primrose Creek will be held Saturday, Aug. 19.

Kathy and Ted Fernberger are an integral part of the Phillips’ Mill community. They have generously shared their support and leadership in many ways over many years. Both have served on the board –– Kathy as president for three years –– they have been longstanding patrons of many Mill events, and have continuously funded an award presented at the annual juried art show.

Kathy is also a co-founder of the Preservation Fund, along with Mary K. Darrah, Bruce Long, and Gale Sparrow, chairing the committee for several years. Said Kathy, “The importance of the Preservation Fund is that it ensures our care of the historic building and the legacy of the Pennsylvania Impressionists who founded the Phillips’ Mill Community Association within its walls.”

The Summer Fete marks the return of the mill’s annual fundraising event since COVID, with specialty cocktails and assorted canapes, a sit-down dinner by Catering by Design, fine wines, and beer. The event will also feature a Rubber Ducky Regatta and jolly singing by the Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Bucks County.

Anyone interested in honoring the Fernbergers with a donation to the Phillips’ Mill Preservation Fund or supporting the Summer Fete event at the Patron level can do so by visiting

Contributions of any amount are welcome and gratefully accepted.

For information about the Summer Fete event, visit or contact Jane Ford-Hutchinson, chair, at

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