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Protect yourself from mosquitoes, ticks during fall months


As people spend time outdoors during the fall months, the Wolf Administration is reminding residents to protect themselves against the dangers of mosquito and tick-borne illnesses. So far this year, Pennsylvania has reported 14 human West Nile virus cases including one death in Philadelphia County and one death in Franklin County.

"Autumn is a wonderful season to spend time outdoors and participate in many activities, such as hiking and observing the fall foliage, but we want to make sure people protect themselves when they are outside," said Acting Secretary of Health and Physician General Dr. Denise Johnson said. "Both ticks and mosquitoes carry a number of serious diseases. It only takes a few minutes to prepare and protect yourself from these diseases."

Before heading outdoors, it is important to cover exposed skin, wear light-colored clothing (to aid in insect detection), tuck your pants into your socks and use a federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved insect repellent. You can also treat your clothing with a product containing permethrin to repel ticks. These steps will help protect you from both mosquitoes and ticks.

West Nile virus (WNV) is spread by mosquitoes that breed in areas with standing and stagnant water. These areas include urban catch basins, clogged gutters, discarded tires, poorly maintained swimming pools, flowerpots, roof gutters and other containers that hold water. Reduce your chance of being bitten by an infected mosquito by eliminating standing water around your home.

Although mosquitoes can bite at any time of the day or night, the mosquitoes that transmit WNV are most active at dawn and dusk. To keep mosquitoes from entering a home, make sure window and door screens are in place and are in good condition.

WNV can cause a serious neurological infection, including encephalitis and meningitis. Symptoms of these infections include a severe headache, high fever, muscle weakness, neck stiffness, paralysis, possible confusion and disorientation, tremors, and even death.

Once returning home, immediately check yourself, children and pets for ticks. Then, take a shower to remove any ticks that may be attached to your skin. Carefully check your clothing and gear and put them in the dryer on high to kill any ticks.

Areas to check where ticks can become attached are:

  • Under the arms
  • In and around the ears
  • Inside belly button
  • Back of the knees
  • In and around the hair
  • Between the legs
  • Around the waist

Symptoms of Lyme disease can include a bull's-eye rash, fever, chills, headache, fatigue, muscle and joint aches, and swollen lymph nodes. It is important to know that someone bit by a tick carrying Lyme disease may not always get a bull's-eye rash.

For more information on ticks and mosquitoes, visit

For more information on Pennsylvania's West Nile virus control program, visit

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