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MBIT philanthropy club awards grants


The Middle Bucks Institute of Technology’s Philanthropy Today Club is the recipient of the Norman Raab Foundation Grant and the Heenan Grant.

This is the fifth year that they have been honored with the opportunity and grant renewal.

Stephen and Mariellen Brickley-Raab and Bernadette Heenan assisted the students in awarding these local community organizations with $20,000 in grants on June 4.

The purpose of the Philanthropy Today Club at MBIT is to teach students about philanthropy, how to give responsibly through grant allocation and learn how to identify our community needs. The students develop a mission statement, learn about, visit and determine which local nonprofits align with their mission. They then provide grants to the selected no-profit organizations that make a difference in the community.

This year students felt that the areas they would like to assist in the community included organizations that support children and families in foster care, and community members with mental health and substance abuse struggles. After looking into many organizations that do just that, the students decided that six in particular organizations stood out to them.

The grant recipients include:

– Be the Family (Heenan Grant) $5,000. The organization intends to build and furnish apartments of teen mothers and young children, as well as young adults aging out of foster care.

– Family Services of Bucks County (Raab Grant) $2,500 ($1,250 unrestricted and $1,250 restricted): The organization provides teens with a safe place to hang out to have fun with friends without the social pressures of substances.

– The Aldie Foundation (Raab Grant) $2,500: The grant will be used to fund their “uber” type of system to help individuals in our community with substance abuse by helping transport them for treatment.

– Lenape Valley Foundation (Raab Grant) $2,500: The organization works to give mental health to children and teens. The grant will be used to improve the children and teens waiting room for their on-site location.

– National Alliance on Mental Illness (Raab Grant) $2,500: The organization is a grass roots organization that is going to use the grant for its outreach program.

– Fiaria Project (Heenan Grant) $5,000: The organization supports children when transitioning to a foster family/school. They provide the supplies needed during the first couple days of transition, day or night, to meet the needs of the children as they are moved.

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