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Doylestown Borough asking residents, businesses to conserve water


As Doylestown Borough continues repairs on its water distribution system, officials are asking the community to voluntarily reduce their use of water.

With the extreme heat driving up water consumption and ongoing work at the Maplewood storage tank that took that well offline, the town’s water resources are being stressed, officials said in a June 21 notice on its social media pages.

The request for water conservation measures will remain in effect until further notice, the borough said. Work at the Maplewood well, one of the borough’s five wells, is expected to continue through early July.

Some common water conservation measures include:

Turn off the water when brushing your teeth. Shorten your showers.

Water your lawn only if necessary. Skip car washing.

Water your garden less and only in the morning or evening, when it’s cooler.

Run the dishwasher and washing machine less often and only with full loads.

Check for leaking toilets or faucets.

Two months ago a borough well pump that produced 300,000 gallons of water daily, failed, also causing officials to ask for voluntary water conservation. The disruption, which lasted several days, was compounded by the work at Maplewood, the borough said.

Officials ask the public to visit the borough’s Facebook and Instagram pages for updates.

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