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Camille Granito Mancuso: Chatterbox--A cautious new hope


America’s people have traveled a very long road. It’s been a hard one and we’re near the end, but there is still a dangerous path before us. We can only hope it will be swift and safe. It’s only beginning for the new administration.

Biden and his various staff members already face grave issues. Trump is contesting the election results. The reluctant president makes me think of the Bush-Gore election. Its finality dragged on in the state wherein the sitting president’s brother just happened to be governor. In the end, Al Gore conceded (I’ve always believed that it was more for the good of the nation than a belief that he had really lost that hinge pin state).

Also difficult, in these final weeks in office: many current officials may be their most unreliable; some appointees still hold their positions of power; and many supporters are volatile as well. In addition, there are critical international relations and a deadly pandemic with numerous repercussions. Our recent experience has taught us to expect the unexpected, but we are in a place, right now, where any action by any of our leadership is past critical.

So, Biden ascends to the pumped dismay of the sitting president and his legions. We’re all sorry about the American political climate: our economy suffers from the defiance of the virus-deniers; our medical professionals will suffer permanent psychological scars and, perhaps, medical ones as well – some have already succumbed to the virus only because they served others; and America loses about a thousand people a day to COVID.

It the midst of all this, the exchange of power will be key, and all of America’s people’s lives, livelihoods, hopes, and the very return to normalcy hinge upon it. For the new White House, there will be roadblocks to deal with. Even with his state seriously struggling, and long without the people’s interests at heart, Mitch McConnell has been reelected. As Senate majority leader, he stymied Obama at many turns, boldly refusing to call certain bills to the floor for a vote. If the Senate majority doesn’t flip when this election is settled, we can only hope he will be more prudent.

There is a negative vibe surrounding Nancy Pelosi for many Americans too, including some Democrats and certain senators. She, in that way, becomes another obstacle to progress at large.

Then, there is still huge private interest influencing our legislators. We also still deal with lobbying, corporate controls, and big money for both parties. It’s sad, but true. So, Americans must keep making their leaders hear them.

On a more hopeful note, in a recent speech, we heard some of Biden’s plans as president. For many Americans, it was relieving and refreshing to, once again, know there are actual plans and to be privy to them. Most emotional for me were these words, “…we have assembled a team of experts in this field …” How refreshing to know he’s resourcing the guidance of people trained, experienced and with expertise in various fields, and to know we’ll actually have such experts handling those related issues with the best results in mind.

Biden has faced repeated, unusually grave personal setbacks from which he has had to heal. We can only wonder why anyone is tested repeatedly, so tragically. We do know it has helped prepare him for his monumental task, now, of helping a whole nation heal, together.

Many of us hope that will introduce some newfound calm to end the division between our people which is so prevalent lately, that even the skeptics will embrace a new peace, and that America will go forward in faith and heal as one cohesive people again – if not perfectly, then progressively; if not politically, then personally.

Many of us feel some peace now, and many more will achieve peace in time. Now, the real work begins: accepting that the only way for America to reestablish her place of power and honor in the world, and our only way forward as a nation is for all of us to work together as one united people.

There may always be those who don’t want to see our blended nation moving forward together; that’s unfortunate. If our recent history has taught us anything, it’s taught us, clearly, that dichotomy can’t strengthen us.

Americans are a solid blend of all colors, traditions and ideas, we worship in many ways and, no, no one expects surrender of political ideals, just a peaceful and fair ascent to the ones that make us whole again.

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