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Wrightstown once more seeking contractors to repair historic schoolhouse


Restoration work aimed at preserving a historic schoolhouse in Wrightstown could begin within the next few months, if things go according to plan for township officials.

At a public meeting on March 11, the Wrightstown Board of Supervisors authorized moving forward with soliciting bids from contractors interested in repairing the roof of the Octagonal School, a structure built in the early 1800s that’s the only remaining octagonal-shaped school in Bucks County, according to a local history.

“Bid documents will be available within the week,” Supervisor Chairman Chester Pogonowski said on March 11. “We are hopeful to award the bid in April, with a construction start date coming shortly thereafter.”

Supervisors have been keen to repair the roof. Last year, they went through two rounds of bidding to find a contractor, but there were snags.

The board rejected bids received during an initial solicitation. A key complicating factor related to warranties offered for the upgrades.

During a second round of contractor-seeking, only one bid came in. It was for more than three times the estimated cost. The board rejected the bid.

This time around, the board believes things could go smoother, not least of all because officials are no longer requiring that the contractors be certified by the Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau. Cedar shake refers to a roofing system consisting of natural wooden cedar shingles, or shakes, and other components. That’s the type of roof on the schoolhouse.

“Installers will still be required to provide a warranty for the work performed,” Pogonowski noted.

The township plans to use funds it received from the COVID-era American Rescue Plan to help pay for a portion of the roof project.

According to a history from Wrightstown, the octagonal, sometimes called “ink bottle,” shape accounted for more than 100 schools in the Delaware Valley of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.

The first such eight-sided structure was built in 1773 in Oxford Valley.

The Wrightstown Octagonal School’s roots stretch back to 1802. The building served as a school until 1850. It became obsolete for that use as government became involved in education and township school districts formed.

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