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Letters to the Herald

What’s with the venom?


In one more example of the failings of the editorial content of the Herald we see overlong letters inanely blasting Republicans, most notably the usual suspect, Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick.

One writer foolishly finds it necessary to bring up his dearly departed mother to try and make a case for his claim that “backward Republican misogynistic ideology threatens to take away women’s freedom and equality.”

This is a bridge way too far in an attempt to libel Brian Fitzpatrick. But that writer is not alone. Another also chooses to take on Bucks County’s favorite target. His tediously tired description of Brian Fitzpatrick simply acknowledges a difference of opinion, but in a very juvenile way. The continual animus shown toward Fitzpatrick in the Herald is startling.

Another writer finds Doug Mastriano “a clear and present danger to democracy itself.”

Such histrionics belong in The National Enquirer. Also, the letters are way too long. Another writer tries to make a rambling case in 400 words that could have easily been done in less than 100. He concludes his piece with the suggestion that if the paper doesn’t listen to him “I’d like the Herald to go out, if it must ...” This long-winded guy has a very short fuse.

Stephen Hanover, Plumsteadville

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