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Letters to the Herald

We need more I-95-style leadership


Whoever thought this could happen so fast? The temporary fix of I-95 is a monumental achievement which deserves lots of praise, mainly for the men and women in community and government who worked around the clock to make it happen. It is a great example of what is possible when our leaders in government inspire a can-do attitude and collaboration between community and government.

Can we see more of this leadership from our elected officials? School funding is a place to start. Like I-95, our underfunded schools are a growing disaster which has similar economic costs, if not more. The failure of our education system is a deadly, growing cancer in the body of our county, state and country. Public education is an essential piece of our country’s infrastructure, just as much as I-95. We need to fill the gap.

Ardith Talbott,  Solebury

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