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Residents of Lumberville continue Founders Day tradition


The 90-plus degree temperatures did not wilt the spirits of the Lumberville residents who gathered for the annual Founders Day community celebration on Sunday, June 23.

A village tradition for 42 years, the event brings together neighbors old and new, a chance to catch up, reconnect, and offer a warm welcome to newcomers, which this year included two adorable new babies.

The event was held at the Lumberville General Store, “home away from home” for most Lumbervillians. Delicious food plus a varied BYOB selection of wines made for a delightful evening topped off by a bevy of treats entered in the very popular Men’s Dessert Contest.

Three impartial judges reviewed, and taste tested, the eight entries and selected a fresh homemade, berry ice cream created by Phil Getty for first prize honors. An American flag cake crafted by Ted Zeitzer won second place. And a pink berry ambrosia by Russell Stephan took third. Interestingly, not a single chocolate entry was submitted.

Maybe next year!

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