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Project Manager: Sol Feinstone Elementary renovation ahead of schedule


Construction on Sol Feinstone Elementary in Upper Makefield is two months ahead of schedule and is on track to conclude by August 2024.

That’s what Colin Case of D’Huy Engineering, which is orchestrating the project, told the Upper Makefield Board of Supervisors at an early June meeting.

Case, a senior project manager, also said site work to be completed this summer and a planned rehandling of how vehicles are directed should help mitigate the traffic backups that have become common on Eagle Road at drop off and pickup times during construction.

“We should at the end of summer have better control of traffic out there,” Case stated.

In updating supervisors on the project, Case said the new addition of first- and second-grade rooms has been completed. Work on kitchen and cafeteria expansion is proceeding, while renovations of the third- and fourth-grade wings should be finished off soon.

New utilities are in place, as is a new sanitary system. In the coming school year, the focus of renovation work is expected to be on the fifth- and sixth-grade area, Case said. Among other project initiatives, landscaping could start as early as autumn 2023, he noted.

“There are a lot of exciting things happening,” said Case.

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