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Letters to the Herald

“Meeting for the ages” over New Hope parking garage


In our most recent New Hope Borough Council meeting (Aug. 15), residents were asked to build a 333-space parking garage for $28,000,000 ($23,000 per household liability) to be leased to hotels and restaurants for about $4,300 per spot per year that will not generate any revenue for the borough.

State Sen. Steve Santarsiero and New Hope Council President Connie Gering were there to educate residents about the benefits for our town. More than 100 people attended. It was a “meeting for the ages.” Residents actively questioned how a borough with a $4.million budget could afford such an expense.

The parking committee never developed a business plan, didn’t acknowledge that the high school and Union Square lots were far from capacity, and did not have any contracts with restaurants and hotels.

The residents refused to support this mismanaged idea. Council promptly voted to cancel the garage project.

Unfortunately more than $600,000 from the general fund has been spent and cannot not be recovered.

New Hope residents demand transparency and accountability from our elected officials.

Many residents called for the resignation of the council president as the person in charge. She has a decision to make.

Bill Clapper, New Hope

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