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Letters to the Herald

Herald amplifies multiple viewpoints


I am a Tinicum Township resident, and I’m writing in response to a letter from Township Supervisor Rich Rosamilia. Mr. Rosamilia complains about biased reporting in the Herald, yet cites no specific instance of bias. Evidently you published something he found unflattering, but doesn’t find useful to specify.

Additionally, he urges you to publish “unbiased comments from both sides of an issue.” Logic would suggest that comments from any side of any issue are biased by definition. One of the things I have loved about the Herald throughout its history is the willingness to air multiple viewpoints on issues (even when some were critical of my own letters to the editor).

I fully support Supervisor Rosamilia’s right to have his views published in your pages. I only wish, as a representative of my township, he would be more articulate in doing so.

Matt Balitsaris, Tinicum

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