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Letters to the Herald

DCNR is destroying the Weisel Hostel


Robert Sweeney, assistant manager of Nockamixon State Park, either misrepresented or misunderstood my wife’s query regarding our daughter’s use of the Weisel Youth Hostel.
Our daughter was investigating the possibility of using the facility as an art education and open studio space for local artists, not as a cool hangout; besides she wanted to verify the park’s leasing policy that was relayed to us because it seemed so draconian and absurd.
Mr. Sweeney ignores the point of my opinion article in all but the final three lines, where he essentially admits that, yes, the state is ignoring the Weisel because it is a low priority and DCNR does not have the money.

I watched the Park lovingly restore one of the stone farmhouses that remained on the land after the lake was filled in. (A ranger lives there.) I went to a party in the head ranger’s house just after it had been given a major renovation. It was really very nice.
There are several stone houses that are all carefully maintained, and many if not all of them are housing for park and state personnel. I wonder how that fits the “mission” of the park that Mr. Sweeney goes on and on about while ignoring the fact that the state is willfully destroying the Weisel.
John McLaughlin

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