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Council Rock recognizes retirees, CREF grant winners


Council Rock retirees and Council Rock Education Foundation (CREF) grant winners were publicly recognized at the May 16 school board meeting.

Superintendent Andrew Sanko acknowledged 32 retirees, nine of whom were with Council Rock School District for 30 years or more. Collectively, these retirees spent 140,000 school days teaching students.

The retirees were asked to stand for recognition and received a standing ovation from the board members.

“To each of you on behalf of the Council Rock School Board, the administration staff community, and most importantly our students, thank you for your years of service,” Sanko said. “Your mark on the district and our students is everlasting.”

Beth Anne Dobosh, executive director of CREF, introduced the grant award winners to the board.

CREF is an initiative dedicated to providing enriching educational experiences for students. By providing funding beyond what’s in the district’s operating budget, CREF brings new and engaging learning opportunities to the classroom.

For the 2024-25 school year, nine educational programs were recognized with grants, totaling $47,000. The funded programs include: Children’s Government Books, Fabricating the Future of STEAM, WhatSUPcycling?, Stop the Bleed, Side-by-Side Music Mentorship Program, Council Rock Seal of Biliteracy, One Book, One Seventh Grade, Council Rock Susan M. Gormley (SMG) Leadership Summit and Building Independence through Work Experiences for ACHIEVE students.

The CREF Prize Patrol invited board members to attend the surprises for teachers receiving grants.

Board Member Nicole Khan said it was exciting to see and thanked Dobosh for letting them join.

“This incredible achievement would not have been possible without the unwavering generosity of our donors,” said Dobosh. “Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”

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