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Zero tax hike but higher trash rates in Perkasie


Perkasie Borough Council voted a zero percent tax increase and hiked trash and recycling rates at a regular business meeting Dec. 16.

The 7-0 vote to adopt a roughly $20.21 million spending plan for 2020 means property taxes remain at 6.25 mills in Perkasie.

“We’ve gone a very long time in Perkasie without a tax increase,” said Andrea Coaxum, Perkasie Borough manager.

Of the 6.25 mills Perkasie collects 4.75 goes to fund municipal services operations and staffing while 1.5 mills is sent to the fire department for its services, borough officials said.

Council members Matt Aigeldinger and Steve Pizzollo were absent from the meeting.

Coaxum said council also voted 7-0 to raise the base cost of trash collection for resident property owners from $20 per year to $50 per year.

Rates for large and small bags remain at $3.25 and $2.25, respectively. The quarterly cost for a trash toter remains at $75, Coaxum said.

Residents may not hire independent trash haulers and must use Perkasie trash and recycling services for their refuse collection, Coaxum said.

Property owner landlords with rental properties of four to nine units have the choice to use borough operated trash and recycling collection services, or hire a third-party independent contractor, she explained.

Landlords with rentals of more than 10 units must hire an independent trash hauler, as must commercial and industrial businesses, she said.

The 2020 electric rates for borough customers remain the same as last year’s rates.

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