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Young professionals group donates snacks to Neshaminy Manor staff

Last month, the Greater BucksMont Chamber of Commerce Y2Y Committee, comprised of professionals age 40 and under, embarked on a mission to thank some local health care workers for the great work they are doing during the coronavirus pandemic to care for the elderly.
A donation of snacks, bottled water and energy drinks was donated to the staff at the Neshaminy Manor Nursing Home.
This initiative was organized by co-chairs Shana Steigerwalt and David Feinman.They planned a donation drive and bought the items for the staff at Neshaminy Manor, which had to treat many COVID-19 patients. “Masked Man” and Y2Y member Roman Chiokadze dropped off the items.
“We are very much appreciative of the drinks and snacks that your group provided,” said J.C Bailey, assistant administrator at Neshaminy Manor. “Thank you for reaching out to the staff at the Manor to brighten our day.”

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