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Wycombe residents gather to mark train station garden’s anniversary


Wycombe residents gathered in September, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the dedication of their garden, located on the grounds of the Wycombe Train Station.

The Wycombe Train Station Garden, now in full bloom, has been maintained – planted, watered, weeded and mowed – for 10 years, by neighbors and volunteers. Their efforts are appreciated during visits by artists, photographers and other frequent visitors.

Wycombe celebrates this historic landmark with an annual fundraiser each September.

This year was a little different due to the current rules for masks and social distancing. Supporters were treated to a tour of the inside of the station (one at a time) and received a historical review of the station, which began service in 1892. Live music was provided by Tim Farrell, a Wycombe resident.

Buckingham Township maintains the station and oversaw its historical restoration. Mary Jane Atkinson, operational manager for Buckingham Township, assisted the local garden and train station committee with preparations for the event.

She commented that the township is very appreciative of Wycombe‘s contributions to both the garden and train station.

Fundraising assists in the planting of the garden, but has also allowed the addition of two benches on the train station deck, as well as a lamp to light the garden at night.

Organizers of the event were Jeff Price, Jeri Balent, Bill Curtis and Michael Walton, all residents of Wycombe.

Jean Curtis

The Wycombe Train Station Garden is in full bloom.

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