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Valentine’s Day 1934


Valentine’s Day 1934. Rotary Club Holds Valentine’s Day Party read the heading of an article in the Intelligencer of Feb. 16, 1934. “The Rotary Club of Doylestown held a Valentine’s Day party Wednesday evening at their dinner meeting. Birthday flowers were presented to Hillborn Darlington, George E. Willard and Howard Barnes.

For the most part, the valentines were original ones with humorous shafts directed at weaknesses of the individuals who received them anonymously. Then each Rotarian was presented a special valentine to take home to his wife or his sweetheart.”

According to the club’s website, the Doylestown Rotary was organized on April 28, 1924, with a chartering membership of 20. The charter presentation took place in Doylestown Armory on May 27, 1924. (Lansdale Rotary Club sponsored the then new club.)

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