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Tohickon Middle School to recognize students


On Friday, June 5, Tohickon Middle School in Doylestown will take to the skies with a special message for its students. For an hour between noon and 1 p.m. the school has arranged to have a banner pulled by a plane that wishes the students, and especially the graduating ninth-graders, best of luck as they enter summer break. This plane will depart from Pennridge Airport and will fly over the zip codes in which Tohickon students live.

Tohickon is unique among Central Buck’s five middle schools in that its ninth-graders are the only ones that split between two different high schools, CB West and CB East for the remainder of their high school years. Ninth-graders typically participate in a number of activities to celebrate their accomplishments as a class before splitting to the two high schools, including a trip to Washington, D.C., a day at Camp America in Warrington and the Freshman Dance.

“We have a very caring staff that is anxious to provide our students with some joy and comfort as the year comes to an end,” said Kevin Marton, Tohickon Middle School Principal. “We are hopeful that this special message will accomplish that, especially for our departing ninth graders.”

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the last time the students were all be together was Thursday, March 12. With the end of the school year approaching, the administration and staff at Tohickon wanted to arrange a very special tribute for the students that won’t experience the normal celebrations that come with the end of the school year. Friday also marks the day of what would have been the annual Freshman Dance.

Families will receive a “real time” link between 11:30 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. on Friday. The link will guide families on where to look for the plane. Yhis link will also be available for the community via Tohickon Middle School’s Twitter page (@CBTohickonMS). In the event of inclement weather a rain date of Monday, June 8 has been scheduled.

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