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The Birches at Newtown offers free family caregiver’s support group online

The Birches at Newtown Personal Care and Memory Care invites the public to attend a free online family caregiver’s support group meeting 6 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 17.

Social distancing has a significant impact on family caregivers, especially with loved ones living with dementia. Join The Birches and moderator Debra Hallisey, founder of Advocate for Mom and Dad LLC, for a discussion on her new book, “Your Caregiver Relationship Contract.” She’ll also share tips she learned through her experiences as a caregiver for her mother, including how to recognize unspoken expectations to set boundaries, having intentional conversations on difficult topics and putting together a successful support network.

Hallisey is a caregiver knowledge expert, an advocate for older adults and their families, author, a Certified Caregiving Consultant and a Certified Dementia Practitioner.

For more information about The Birches, call 215-497-7400 or visit

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