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Thanks to those who voted no to Policy 109.2


I thank school board Directors Smith, Mahmud and Dell’Angelo for asking tough and intelligent questions about Policy 109.2, aka book banning policy.

Their questions were not answered, and brought up further concerns about who wrote this policy, the vagueness of the policy, and who would ultimately decide how books will be added or removed from our school libraries.

Thank you for your NO vote on policy 109.2. I appreciate your dedication to education, to our community and to all our students.

To the rest of the school board: Shame on you. You had ample opportunity to work with our own expert school professionals to write a better policy. You did not. You did not listen to months of public comment at school board meeting. You did not respond to emails from reputed national organizations urging you to revise the policy. It is obvious that you had already made up your mind.

Please know that I will work hard to vote you out in 2023 and 2025. To our community, your vote for school board matters.

The passing of policy 109.2 shows us how six people can shape the education of 18,000 students. Central Bucks is now the first district in Pennsylvania to have a restrictive book censorship policy in place.

This is not what we want for our children and for our community.

Please pay attention to who is running for school board in 2023 and what their values are. It doesn’t matter if you are Democrat, Republican, Independent or unaffiliated.

Vote your values. Let’s get Central Bucks School District back on track in providing excellence in education for all.

Amy McGahran, Doylestown


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