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Springfield seeks graveyard owner’s identity


Springfield supervisors are assisting the historic commission in its quest to find the owner of a historic graveyard on Gallows Hill Road.

Board members authorized the township solicitor to scour deeds, do a title history, and get a quote from engineering firm, Robert Wynn Associates, which would survey the site.

Ken Joire of the Historic Commission recommended that an embankment be stabilized and three trees be cut down to avoid potentially exposing graves.

Joire told the November meeting the graves date from 1750 to the 19th century but acknowledged finding additional information about the site “has been challenging.”

If no owner can be found, the 3- to 4-acre site will revert to the township, which will be responsible for maintenance and any further costs.

In other news, the township accepted the resignation of Township Manager Mike Brown. Acting Supervisor Chairman Jim Nilsen said he did not know the reason, but a source said Brown wanted to be closer to Philadelphia.

Brown served as manager for five years, and was praised for his handling of the township’s finances and maintaining a professional demeanor at meetings long and short, and occasionally contentious.

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