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Solebury Friends screen film that includes Pete Seeger


Solebury Friends Meeting, 2680 Sugan Road, New Hope, plans to show “We Began To Sing,” a documentary that tells the story behind the popular songbooks “Rise Up Singing” and “Rise Again,” at 11:30 a.m. March 1.

Everyone from the community is welcome. The film is 23 minutes long.

Peter Blood and Annie Patterson, the songbook creators, are musicians and activists who have made it their life’s mission to encourage communal singing as a common good – and as a tool for social change.

The film highlights what motivates them in their work, and Pete Seeger’s mentorship role as an activist, song-leader and friend for 30 years.

“We Began To Sing” features than a dozen songs, and includes “moving” scenes in which Blood and Patterson sing with Seeger; it was filmed at his house a year before his death in 2014.

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