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Solebury breathes sigh of relief over sewer sale opposition


The Solebury Board of Supervisors saw a ray of hope Wednesday in preventing the proposed sale of Bucks County’s public sewer system, serving 1,000 township customers, to Aqua Pennsylvania, a private for-profit corporation.
The Bucks County Water and Sewer Authority (BCWSA) has voted to give Aqua the exclusive one-year right to negotiate a proposed $1.1 billion sale for the sewage operation.
If approved the BCWSA would serve only the drinking water customers.
All three Bucks County Commissioners, Diane Ellis-Marseglia, Bob Harvie and Gene DiGirolamo on Wednesday opposed the sale.
BCWSA members Dennis Cowley and John Cordisco also oppose the sale but its three remaining members did vote earlier to approve the negotiations.

“While it by no means puts the issue to rest, we were very pleased (by the new opposition)…,” Supervisor Chair Mark Baum Baicker said. “We previously passed a resolution opposing the sale, and depending upon how things proceed, we will still consider joining a consortium of municipalities opposing the sale.”
The county commissioners would not vote on any sale agreement unless it was first approved by the BCWSA.
In other business, the board authorized a 12-month extension to HollyHedge Estate on Route 263 and the 1740 House on River Road for from complying with the Single-Use Plastic Ordinance. Tim Luccaro said he needed that time to run down inventory that may be in noncompliance with the ordinance.
The board also agreed, at the request of Supervisor Robert McEwan to schedule a future meeting dealing with improving the traffic flow along Route 202 from Aquetong to Sugan roads.

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