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Santarsiero to head Bucks Transition Team energy and environment subcommittee


The Marseglia-Harvie Transition Committee has appointed state Sen. Steven J. Santarsiero as chair of the energy and environment review subcommittee.

In his volunteer role, Santarsiero, who has served in local and state government for more than a decade, will lead the committee in focusing on energy and environmental issues impacting the county.

Tom Jennings, who leads Commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia and Commissioner-elect Bob Harvie’s transition team, said Santarsiero’s subcommittee – which includes members Brent Alderfer, Dan Grenier, Helen Tai, Tom Wells, Jim Miller, Alan Dresser, Bruce Wallace and John Skoutelas – will work on these issues over a period of several months, with a formal report and recommendations expected by late spring.

In Santarsiero, Jennings said the transition committee saw “a friend, an expert and someone representing an important constituency” and said the energy and environment subcommittee “fits in with matters he’s been working on in the Senate and community for years.”

“I am honored and excited to work with a distinguished team of local leaders on energy and environmental issues to offer the Bucks County Commissioners a comprehensive set of recommendations for action to preserve our environment while also promoting sustainable development,” Santarsiero said, noting that the members of the subcommittee all have professional or personal expertise in energy and environmental matters.

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