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Red Cross offers surprising way to help patients kick cancer

People may be surprised that they can play a direct role in the fight against cancer, and it’s easier than they might think.

By donating platelets or blood through the American Red Cross, donors can share their strength and help patients kick cancer.

Platelets are tiny cells that form clots and stop bleeding. About 2 million units of platelets are transfused each year in the U.S., and more than half of all donated platelets go to cancer patients.

Because platelets must be transfused within just five days from the time they are donated, platelet donors have the power to help save up to three lives within days of their donation.

In addition to cancer patients, platelets and blood are needed every day for lifesaving surgeries, traumas and those living with blood disorders. The Red Cross must collect more than 2,500 platelet and about 13,000 blood donations every day for patients at about 2,500 hospitals nationwide. In the Penn Jersey Blood Services Region, 102 platelet and 600 blood donations are needed each day.

Appointments are encouraged and can be made using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting or calling 800-733-2767.

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