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Rapid climate change will alter our lives


Indeed – Mother Nature will have the last laugh.

I do not expect another Ice Age to come at all. To everyone I say: Be prepared for a melting Iceberg-glacier future.

Primates were, and still are, vegans, whereas we, Homo sapiens, started eating “flesh” as we sat around the “campfire” in our cave.

When we settled down, we started the “deforestation” process: We needed shelter (log-cabins), flooring, furniture, and so on, and we invented “the oven” (wood-burning) for melting ore: the Bronze Age, the Iron Age. Today’s deforestation – Amazon basin, Sumatra – is still energy oriented.

I foresee southern Canada soon becoming the world’s bread-basket. Due to rapid climate change, the North American states may have to depend on Mother Nature’s cornucopia’s depletion: Balance of nature capsules replacing eating fruits and vegetables, soon to be followed with more “fill in for food pills”.

I wonder what our gut, nourishing our body/brain, will tell us about this new “carte du jour” or future bill of fare.

Olga Pitcairn, Village 2

New Hope

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