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Patrolman brings Hilltown force up to par


Hilltown local Kristian Hanus is now a member of the township police department.

At the recommendation of Chief Christopher Engelhart, the Hilltown Board of Supervisors approved Hanus’ appointment to the force as a patrolman on Dec. 10.

Hilltown Supervisor Jack McIlhinney conducted the swearing in before a room populated with Hanus’ family and fellow police officers.

Engelhart described Hanus as a 22-year-old township resident who trained at Temple University Municipal Police Academy.

“We think he’ll make a tremendous officer, and be a tremendous addition to the department,” Engelhart told supervisors.

The hiring follows on the heels of last month’s appointment of Patrick Halcovage, 27, to a patrolman position with Hilltown police.

The new officers are needed to replace police who are retiring from the force – namely, Lt. Randall Tanghe and Sgt. Robert Miller.

In recent times, Hilltown police has experienced a number of retirements, Engelhart said. That’s left the force short-handed. Officers have been working extra hours to ensure the township has full police protection, the chief said.

“I want to publicly thank the officers for their hard work and dedication while we’ve been short-handed,” Engelhart said.

With the appointment of Hanus and other hirings, the township department is back up to proper staff levels, Engelhart said.

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