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OLMC community finds creative ways to serve others


Since schools are not in session, Our Lady of Mount Carmel teachers and students (and their families) had to get creative when organizing recent service-oriented projects.

OLMC second-grade students sent pictures and notes to a local hospital to thank the workers and support staff for taking care of the community.

One student wrote, “I want to thank you for your medical support, as a doctor. You help people who are in need by making them feel better. I will pray for you in hope that you stay healthy and continue to help others.”

An OLMC alumna and her brother who is a seventh-grade OLMC student wanted to help the clients at Face to Face so they distributed over 150 fliers in their neighborhood detailing a food drive for the organization.

Neighbors were asked to donate extra shelf stable food items that they may have in their kitchen. People were asked to leave donations by their mailbox and the students collected them. They were able to fill a minivan with groceries for clients at Face to Face. In addition to the groceries collected, they made Easter bags to be handed out with the meal boxes.

Two sixth-graders wanted to show their appreciation for the employees at Doylestown Hospital, so they made 350 thank you cards and candy treat bags to be distributed throughout the hospital.

The head of Doylestown Hospital met the boys outside of the hospital to accept their donations and to thank them personally for their generosity.

One of the school families and pre-k teacher Danielle Hudak decided to help with the shortage of masks by making their own to donate. St. Mary’s Medical Center, the Pediatric Center at Point Pleasant (a children’s hospice center) and Temple University Hospital received all the donations.

One of the nurses wrote, “Thank you for the special delivery of masks for the acute dialysis nurses, which we use to cover our N95s and extend their use in our unit.”

Finally, the OLMC Home and School Association held a “curbside pickup” food drive where families could sign up online to leave a bag of nonperishable food items on their driveways. Volunteers gathered the items and delivered them to local food pantries.

“We’re praying every day for the health and safety of our community,” said Principal Dawn Parker. “Please keep us in your prayers as well.”

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