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Nex Level Olympics raises more than $28,000 for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society


Nex Level Olympics, hosted by Nex Level Fitness in Chalfont and Doylestown, recently raised more than $28,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Nex Level Olympics started seven years ago when owner Michelle Bauer’s mom was diagnosed with stage 4 mantel cell lymphoma.

Upon hearing the news, Bauer’s first thought was “How can I help in a big way.” That’s when the Nex Level Olympic Games was born. Each year the event helps someone in the Nex Level community who is battling cancer along with donating to the LLS.

This year there were 30 teams of four that competed in 14 different fitness stations.

To date, the event has raised $118,000 for the LLS.

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