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Newtown Quakers to hear talk on “Mother Earth: Resilience & Possibility”


Marguerite Chandler, a member of Newtown Quaker Meeting and former candidate for Congress, will speak about the importance of Mother Earth to the Newtown Meeting Adult Class on Mother’s Day at 9:45 a.m. Sunday, May 8, at the historic Quaker Meetinghouse at 219 Court St. (

Meeting for Worship in the manner of Friends will follow at 11 a.m. The public is invited.

Chandler’s topic will be “Mother Earth: Resilience and Possibility” in the face of the 2030 deadline to begin to reverse global warming.

There will be a display of “green” consumer goods for the bathroom and the impact of T-paper choice on the Boreal forest, items for cat and dog cleanup, and kitchen items.

Chandler’s mufti-faceted career includes leadership roles in business, charitable work, civic activity, running for political office, and education. She has been recognized for her contributions in all of them.

Among the 17 awards and honors Chandler has received are: 1987 Presidential End Hunger Award from President Ronald Reagan.

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