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Mettin joins Plumstead as chief of police


District Judge Gary Gambardellea swore in two new Plumstead supervisors at the township reorganization meeting. Ken Lichtenstein and Jim McComb were elected to serve six-year terms.

Angela Benner has begun as the township’s new manager and Dave Mettin will begin serving as the new chief of police.

Supervisor Pete Busillo was elected as chairperson and Dan Hilferty as vice chairperson of the township board of supervisors.

Grim, Biehn and Thatcher were appointed as solicitors, C.Robert Wynn Associates as engineer, Gilmore & Associates as planning consultants, and Horner & Canter as traffic engineers.

Judge Gambardella commended the supervisors on a fine choice for police chief. “I’ve known Mettin for many years as a good member of the community,” said Gambardella.

During his swearing in, the township meeting room spilled over into the aisle with police officers, chiefs and family from many of county departments, including Northampton, Newtown Borough, Bedminster, EMT paramedics, Central Bucks Regional Police and of course Plumstead.

“Thank you and I am overwhelmed by the support of so many departments and my family,” said Mettin. He was the chief at Pennridge Regional Police for 12 years and then became chief at Slate Belt Regional Police in Northampton County.

Mettin began his career as an officer with Doylestown Township, where he spent 15 years. Mettin replaces Chief Duane Hasenauer who retired this year after 35 years with Plumstead police force.

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