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lumberville founders day


Lumberville’s annual Founder’s Day

Villagers and nearby residents get together in June

Every year in mid-June, the Village of Lumberville celebrates Founder’s Day to honor Col. George Wall Jr., a Revolutionary War hero, who acquired the land in 1775. He established two saw mills and a grist mill, a general store and a school for surveyors and the village became known as Wall’s Landing, and Wall’s Saw Mills.

Col. Wall’s business was supplied by rafts that came down the Delaware with logs and boards from Upstate Pennsylvania and New York.

This year was the 39th annual Founder’s Day picnic. It was held in the area behind the Lumberville General Store.


Lumberville group


The citizens of Lumberville and nearby areas have gathered for a group photograph almost every year for 39 years. Unfortunately, this year’s photograph was disappointing and not fit for publication, so the tradition has been broken. Here’s the group from 2018, pre-pandemic, in Tinsman’s Meadow.

Photographs by Bridget Wingert

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Leslie and David Perlsweig, Bruce Marsden, Leslie Marsden, and Terri Epstein.

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Henry Ashford and his father, George Ashford.

Lumberville 4

A summer hat at the picnic brings attention to the war in Ukraine.

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Russell Stephan chats with a group on the patio.

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From left are Sue Millner, Mark Bardi, Nanda Stephan, Jon Epstein and Claire Donohue.

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Megan Peterson, Peggy and Bill Hecht, Ellen and Greg Oviatt.

Lumberville 2A =

Mary Robin Jurkiewicz, Greg Tankersley, Shari Rossmann, Michael Toohey, Beth Lange, Ivy and Rick Lyons.

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