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Letters to the Herald

Library policy shows wisdom, insight


Did the author of a March 2 letter to the editor know the real issue about book banning, and the difference between a public library and a school library? Did he know schools are to operate in loco parentis (in place of parents) and also curriculum should be age appropriate eg K-12.

The Central Bucks School District Board of Directors had wisdom and insight to pass a library policy. It was not to ban books. The parents are taxpayers and have God-given rights to protect their children and should demand age appropriate materials. Why are the ACLU and other groups involved ?

As a teacher for 40 years, curriculum coordinator, taxpayer, parent and grandparent I always did my homework. According to the U.S. Dept of Education, 3.1 million children in the U.S. are home-schooled with 64,000 in PA. Why?

Carole A. Longo, New Hope

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