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Lew Larason: Thoughts from an Epicure A cornucopia of summer memories


When growing up, summer was the best time. There was no school! Instead. there were trips with an aunt to the Jersey shore, as well as one or two to Forest Park in Chalfont. But maybe the best part was sweet corn.

Back then, sweet corn wasn’t much different from what we call “horse corn” today. Being on a small farm with no horses, we grew only sweet corn. During summer, usually on Friday or Saturday late afternoons, my father would take eggs, chickens and vegetables to the farmers market in Trenton. I often went with him to help sell.

When he didn’t go to the market, he’d pick a batch of corn, put it in a wet sack, and take it, a card table, a folding chair, and me to a spot on Route 202 near the New Hope-Solebury High School. He’d set up the table and chair in shade. I’d spend the next couple of hours there, selling corn. It wasn’t one of my favorite ways to spend an afternoon. But thinking back, I sort of enjoyed the independence of it.

When my family cooked corn, it was a major production. We’d pick it, usually two ears per person, then husk it. For a youngster, we didn’t get the ears free enough of the silk to please the grown-ups. In the meantime, there was a large pot of water heating on the stove. The corn was added and left in boiling water for at least 10 minutes. When done, it was slathered in butter and salt. It was great.

Times have changed. We buy only small grain white corn. To prepare it, I put it in a large saucepan of cold water. When the water comes to a boil, the corn is ready. Patti enjoys hers as is, while I add a little butter. That’s summer!

Enjoy and stay safe!

If you have suggestions or questions for this column, please contact me either through this newspaper at or directly at

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