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Guest Opinion

In Central Bucks, Karen Smith equates the Bible to a rubbish pile


Indeed, a picture is worth a thousand words.

In the Dec. 7 issue of the Herald, you published the photo of Ms. Karen Smith with her hand on a pile of books taking the oath of office for the Central Bucks School Board.

How appropriate that this was published in your Dec. 7 issue. The place of prominence for important news in any newspaper is on the front page, left side, above the fold. This is where all papers in the United States published the news reporting the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. The country needed to know and the papers did their job.

The sneak attack on Pearl Harbor was intended to attack the United States as a nation. How history repeats itself. The reported attack on the values of this nation launched by Ms. Smith is also intended to attack the United States as a nation by attacking the history and Judeo-Christian virtues and values that resulted in its formation.

Although school boards, businesses and corporations are tripping over themselves to promote DEI — Diversity, Equity and Inclusion — across the land, the hypocrisy and ignorance of Ms. Smith is exposed on the front page of the Herald for the world to see.

Where is the “I” in the actions taken by Ms. Smith? Do her actions include the virtues and values of Jewish, Christian and other people of faith in the Central Bucks School District? No, they are excluded by “in your face” intent.

By taking her oath on a pile of rubbish, she has elevated the gravity of oath taking to equating a pile of rubbish to the Holy Bible, (not my title, but one that’s printed on the cover of most Bibles).

The Bible has been the instrument for swearing an oath for centuries as it is in our courts. The Old Testament is the written Law of Moses and the history of the Jewish nation. The New Testament is the record of Old Testament prophesies being fulfilled and the way to man’s redemption.

Ms. Smith is perfectly fine with taking her oath of office with her hand on a pile of rubbish.

What a great civil service to the residents of Upper Bucks for the Herald to print the photo on the front page. We all now know the values that Smith and her team will be promoting as a member of the Central Bucks School Board. These people will set the curriculum for what is to be taught in the classrooms.

DEI will be the focus. Whatever happened to the Judeo-Christian virtues of honesty, integrity, community, charity and humility being the focus of education for our children?

The United States is less than 250 years old. Chinese culture is thousands of years old. China teaches the virtues of compassion, benevolence, self-consciousness, patience and perseverance to its children as they mature to adulthood.

Clip the photo from the paper and post it on your refrigerators so that you will be reminded of what is being taught to your children each time you open the fridge door.

John Vare lives in Springtown.

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