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Guest Opinion

Imploring Fitzpatrick to push assault weapons ban


Dear Congressman Fitzpatrick,

How many more gun deaths will it take for you and the Problem Solvers Caucus to actually do something about this pandemic which is afflicting our nation? We have asked you many times since you were elected to represent us to speak out on this issue, but you have been missing in action. This past month has brought this closer to home for us — our son lives a few miles from Monterey Park, California, and our oldest grandson lives in Yakima, Washington. Each time we hear of another tragedy, our hearts lurch and we wonder if our dear ones have been affected.

You may think that you have limited ability to take any action on trying to catch up to this gun safety crisis which, with each passing day, is spiraling further and further out of control.

One small step was taken last year, but even then it was obvious to anyone who was paying attention that stronger measures were called for.

If you could show leadership and get only four other moderate Republicans on board, a ban on assault weapons would not only be possible, but would be realistic and would show that you are living up to the rhetoric of solving what has been, and is, a uniquely American problem.

We as a nation far exceed any other country in the world in terms of gun violence. There are more guns than people in the United States.

While we might fantasize about greatly reducing that number, the fact is that the more guns there are, the more fearful people have become about their own safety, which then prompts them to buy even more guns.

But having acknowledged that, it still begs the question of why we not only allow, but by inaction actually condone, the ownership and sale of weapons capable of killing large numbers of people in just a minute or two. There is not conceivable reason why anyone should be able to own or acquire that capability. We talk about the assault on freedom, for gun owners, but have abandoned the notion of freedom for innocent victims who have been all too often the targets of someone who, legally or illegally, has been able to get their hands on such a weapon.

So this is our ask. Take a stand, show your capability and willingness to lead on this issue, and band together with four other Republican members of Congress and pledge to support legislation to ban assault weapons from sale and ownership in the United States. You will probably incur the wrath of the NRA and those of your party who put individual “freedom” ahead of any sense of responsibility. But most of your constituents on both sides of the aisle will perhaps be inclined to acknowledge that, when push comes to shove, you stand with them and with the well being of our people and our country.

We have a problem, sir. Now is the time for you to speak to its solution.

Joe and Carol Sundeen live in Lower Makefield.

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