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Frescatore takes the helm, Heybach takes the oath in Warminster

Supervisors also voted to reduce public comment from twice per meeting to once — at the end


Warmth and levity bubbled up from over 50 guests, several local officials and the supervisors themselves as Warminster Township got underway for 2024 at its required reorganization meeting under the 2nd Class Township Code.

Reminding those in the audience and those on Zoom that, for the third year in a row, the supervisors have worked together with no tax increase, the board completed its legal obligation to name its chair, vice chair, township solicitor, township engineer and many other appointed positions.

Katherine Frescatore was voted in as chairwoman and Kenneth Hayes accepted the vice chairman position. Hayes, who chaired the group last year, said it was a “pleasure to step down and relax a bit more.” He said he was confident the board would continue in the “same direction” under Frescatore’s leadership.

She praised Hayes for his leadership, saying “Ken has been the best chair for Warminster,” and thanked him for his vote of confidence.

New Supervisor Chuck Heybach and new Auditor Jayne Taylor were sworn in by the Honorable Daniel J. Finello Jr.

The supervisors then voted 5-0 to cut public comment at board meetings from twice per session to once. That public comment period will come at the end of the meeting and afford the public the opportunity to speak on topics both on and off the agenda.

“The two-comment format interrupts the flow of the meeting,” said Hayes.

Barbara “Bobbie” Loftus, tax collector, reported that as she closes the books for 2023, there are only 77 outstanding tax bills out of 10,400 mailed, and 103 outstanding school tax bills.

Hayes commented that “it is easier for everyone to do their jobs” when residents pay their taxes on time and thanked everyone.

Loftus also asked residents who’ve received a letter from her to reach out, even if the property’s taxes are paid through a mortgage lender. The tax collector’s office will be closed from Jan. 22-26 as the office location changes. For more information, visit

The supervisors also voted in members of its various volunteer boards and committees, but noted that there are still openings on several boards and committees, including two citizen advisor posts on the golf advisory committee and three citizen advisor seats on the parks and recreation committee. Members of both committees serve one-year terms.

Residents who want to be considered are asked to email a letter of interest to

The board passed the list of township depositories and township holidays. The list does not include Juneteenth.

For details and the names of all those appointed, please visit to view the minutes of the meeting.

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