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Flooding: Environmental justice needed for Lower Bucks residents


It has been a year since residents of Croydon experienced a 100-year flood. On July 13, 2021 the area received six to 10 inches of rain in a span of three to four hours.

The event caused roads to become impassable. Many homeowners and apartment dwellers had to be evacuated due to flooding. Part of Newportville Road was washed away. My husband’s car had flood damage. Our neighbors on the first floor found their apartments uninhabitable for months.

“Both Bristol and Croydon have a significant flooding risk compared to other areas in Bucks County. There are 975 properties in Croydon that have a greater than 26% chance of being severely affected by flooding over the next 30 years” (FloodFactor). In addition, for every degree of warming, the atmosphere can hold about 7% more moisture, coming in intense downfalls, increasing the risk of flash flooding. Last year’s flood was the perfect example of such a scenario.

It is imperative that environmental justice be served to Lower Bucks. The county is in dire need of adaptation and mitigation strategies, like better stormwater management, rain gardens, and funding for 100% clean energy. Climate change has disproportionate effects on communities, affecting individuals who do not have adequate resources to recover from a climate disaster.

We are now dealing with “the new normal” and must do so with urgency and compassion, ensuring our communities are better prepared for the next 100-year storm.

Caroline Cotugno, Croydon


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