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Fitzpatrick urges funding to aid domestic violence survivors and pets amidst COVID-19


Nearly 80 members of the U.S. House, led by Reps. Katherine Clark, D-Mass., Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Pa., Katie Porter, D-Calif., and Vern Buchanan, R-Fla. sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. and Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, D-Calif., urging leadership to include $4 million funding in the next COVID-19 package to help domestic violence victims and their pets. In recent weeks, it has been reported that incidents of domestic violence are on the rise.

For those with pets who need to flee, few options are available to reach safety because only a small percentage of shelters have the capacity to accommodate pets. “With people across our nation complying with stay-at-home orders, law enforcement has unfortunately seen an increase in the number of domestic violence calls they are receiving,” said Fitzpatrick. “We must address this situation immediately and support funding for safe housing for domestic violence victims, their children, and their pets. Everyone deserves to feel safe, and to be safe, and this funding is an important step toward that goal.”

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