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Doylestown Borough seeks input on climate action plan


The borough of Doylestown wants to know what its residents would do to address climate change on a local level and what they would like to see their community leaders do, too.

Recently launched by the town’s Environmental Advisory Council, the survey is a first step in creating a Climate Action Plan for the small borough.

The plan would contain “guidelines and action items to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and identify activities to help lessen the effects of climate change within the borough,” according to the initiative.

An online borough-wide survey is asking home and business owners and property owners 10 questions about what they consider the most pressing issues around climate change locally and what they personally can do to help the environment.

Among the questions are:

• How important is the issue of climate change to you personally?

• What would motivate you to make lifestyle changes to adapt to climate change?

• What should the borough do or facilitate to address climate change?

• What do you consider the biggest environmental threat to Doylestown Borough?

To see the full survey:

Earlier this year, Bucks County filed a lawsuit against several of the world’s major oil and gas companies, saying they knowingly deceived the public about the dangers of their products and ignored their impact on the climate.

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