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District 1 constituents march to support impeachment inquiry


Concerned citizens, grassroots activists, and residents of Pennsylvania’s First Congressional District gathered in Doylestown Oct. 13, to urge Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick and Sen. Pat Toomey to support an impeachment inquiry for President Trump.

The event began as a short march and concluded with speakers Lauren Lareau, Scott Wallace, Steve Cickay and Cindi Sternfeld. Nearly 200 area residents rallied an petitioned their elected officials to support the concept that nobody is above the law.

“It’s time for all decent Republicans to stop viewing the impeachment inquiry as partisan,” 2018 Democratic congressional candidate Scott Wallace said.

“There’s nothing partisan about protecting America’s elections from foreign interference, or preventing a president from abusing his official powers for personal gain, or standing up for Congress’s constitutional oversight duties against baseless presidential obstruction. This should, and must, be our bipartisan patriotic duty.”

“Fundamental to the success of any democracy is the participation of its citizens,” said Cindi Sternfeld, leader and co-founder of Indivisible Lambertville New Hope. “We participate when we vote, when we call our members of Congress and when we peacefully assemble to protest. In a democracy, these are our rights but they are also our responsibilities when the sanctity of our elections has been threatened.”

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