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Developer revives 30-year-old plan for houses


A development project that’s nearly 30 years in the making might soon come to fruition in Upper Makefield.

Newtown-based attorney Edward F. Murphy, solicitor on what’s known as the Geopedior Subdivision, appeared before the Upper Makefield Board of Supervisors Jan. 21 for a preliminary discussion on the project.

He said the plan is to subdivide off five lots on an approximately 10-acre property at 386 Brownsburg Road East. Under the plan, each lot would eventually feature a single-family home. The development would sit on a cul-de-sac.

The proposed development is the final phase of a large-scale 11-phase development project that received approval back in 1994, Murphy said. Discussions on the 11-phase undertaking began in 1991, according to Murphy. He said that the overall project included Brownsburg Estates and Jericho National Golf Club.

The proposed final five-home phase received preliminary approval back in 1994. However, now that the developer is ready to proceed, the subdivision needs final approval from Upper Makefield’s supervisors. Township Solicitor Mary Eberle noted that current stormwater management requirements – effectively runoff control – will have to be met.

Supervisor Diana Nolan felt plans called for excessive removal of trees. Representatives for the developer said trees were being removed near the entranceway to ensure safe sight distances for motorists. Nolan also felt that retention areas, which Murphy characterized as shallow rain gardens, should be fenced off.

“All of this is reasonably solvable,” said Supervisor Thomas Cino, a point with which Murphy agreed.

Supervisors didn’t vote to approve or deny the project Tuesday. It’s unclear when that vote might occur.

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