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Daniel Ellsberg to speak at 40th anniversary conference


The 40th Anniversary Conference and Multifaith Service for Peace sponsored by the Coalition for Peace Action (CFPA) and co-sponsored by 37 religious and civic groups in the region, on Sunday, Nov. 10 in Princeton, N.J., will be headlined by Dr. Daniel Ellsberg and Jim Wallis.

Jim Wallis will preach at the Multifaith Service at 11 a.m. at Princeton University Chapel. Faith leaders from a wide range of major world religions will co-lead the liturgy. The service is free and open to the public; a free will offering to support CFPA’s ongoing work will be received.

Wallis is the founder and editor of Sojourners Magazine, which has a combined print and electronic readership of over 5 million. He is a New York Times best-selling author of 13 books. His latest book, “Christ in Crisis: Why We Need to Reclaim Jesus,” has just been published.

The afternoon Conference for Peace is from 1:30-5 p.m. at Nassau Presbyterian Church, 61 Nassau St. (across from Palmer Square) in Princeton. Doors will open for seating and at the door registration, if any seating remains, at 1 p.m.

In addition to Wallis, confirmed speakers include:

Ray Acheson, U.S. Representative of the Nobel Peace Prize laureate International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.

Shiho Burke, the daughter of parents who were present during the Hiroshima atomic bombing, and who herself lived in Hiroshima until she was 13.

Daniel Ellsberg, who released the Pentagon Papers during the Vietnam War, and is a CFPA sponsor. He recently authored “The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner.”

Jenny Town, a research analyst at the Stimson Center and the managing editor and producer of “38 North,” a web journal that provides policy and technical analysis on North Korea. She is the former assistant director of the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins.

Frank von Hippel, professor emeritus of public and international affairs at Princeton University, former assistant director of the White House Science Advisor’s Office, and recipient of the MacArthur Prize, nick-named the Genius Award.

To assure seating, those wanting to attend the afternoon Conference for Peace are urged to pre-register at or by calling 609-924-5022. The Early Bird rates below apply only through Oct. 25.

Registration options include $125 for sponsorship, $25 for regular seating and $15 for limited incomes.

Students are free but are encouraged to fill out the registration form.

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