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Cosmo DiNardo moved from one state prison to another


Cosmo DiNardo, 23, serving four life sentences for the murders of four young men on his parents farm in Solebury Township in the summer of 2017, has been transferred from one state prison to another.

DiNardo had been lodged at SCI Retreat, but according to Department of Corrections spokeswoman Susan McNaughton, he was transferred to SCI Huntingdon on Jan. 15.

Asked the reason for the move, McNaughton said only that “Huntingdon houses all levels of inmates and is one of the DOC’s highest-security facilities. We move inmates all of the time.”

Gov. Tom Wolf announced Friday, Jan. 17, that he had completed his review of the Recommendation for the Closure of the State Correctional Institution at Retreat final report and was calling for the full closure of SCI Retreat.

Asked whether that has factored into the move of DiNardo two days earlier, McNaughton said only the above.

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